goose droppings
a trail that leads to a better pond.
Reality Check
Living in times of change and uncertainty will always lead humanity to a place of reflection and evaluation of what is important in life, what really matters.
Instincts in Interesting Times
Each and every one of us has our instincts, and if we trust them, they will always lead us in the right direction. Your instincts are the little voice inside of you that say,
Who’s Mask Goes on First?
In the situation of an airline emergency, and if you were possibly paying attention to the pre- flight safety announcement, it is advised to put your own oxygen mask on first, before putting it on the person beside you in your care.
A Venti cup of Kindness
A friend of mine, Jen shared a story with me that made me smile, and I would like to share it with you.
Drama In Your Life
When you look at your relationships, the people that surround you, the people that you let into your inner circle, are they helping you become a better version of yourself, or are they creating drama?
Where are you going?
While I was out speaking in Kelowna, I stopped in at the local Milestones restaurant for dinner. I was greeted by my server who was very friendly and courteous. Dinner was great, and I headed back to my hotel. Since the meal, and the food was so good, I decided to head back there again for dinner.
Are You Protected?
Your mental energy is a precious resource. It’s something that is given to you everyday, but not to be squandered. How are you protecting your supply on a daily basis?
You Don’t Suck
At my speaking engagement in Toronto this week, I noticed a gentleman really struggle with his Kolbe results. When he evaluated his results from the workshop I conducted, immediately saw the conflict between who he instinctively was, and
Is External Gratification Enough?
We all love to hear a rousing, “Job Well Done!” But what is your cheer between your ears telling you? Let me introduce you to an interesting client I have been coaching recently, with her own unique story of hard work, triumph, and yet, inner struggle.
Making Your Quirk Werk!
Do you have the freedom to be yourself, and work your way? Do you take the time to think about what works best for you, or is it another trudging, yawning, “time to make the donuts” day? If you sit and reflect, have you determined what really works for you? Are you sure you’re really making your Quirk Werk?
Do you should on yourself?
A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind, or is a messy desk the sign of a cluttered mind?It has been said that messy people are more creative. The fact is that none
Why Do Today What You Can Put Off ‘Til Tomorrow?
Procrastination. Do you cringe when you hear that word? Does it trigger a familiar shame? What if procrastination was actually a strength? “Like hell!” you’d say. “I have been getting sh%t for procrastinating my entire life! How on God’s green earth could it be a strength?”
What’s Gender Got to Do With it?
While flying to Toronto recently, I struck up a conversation with the flight attendant. She mentioned that in one more day, she gets to go home and be with her kids, and then work on her garage. Her garage, I asked? Yes, it’s quite Zen
Doing it Forever
I was talking to a close friend of mine recently, and she was explaining how she was going through boxes of stuff that had been around for a long time. It was time to finally clean house, declutter, reorganize, and, well, spring is also a great time to
Is Being Awesome Too Fluffy?
In recent speaking engagements, I have come across what I thought was a very interesting topic. Is being awesome too fluffy? In my presentations, I have people turn to the person beside them, point at them, look them in the eye, and then
What can you count on?
Everyone has unique talents, strengths, and their own way of making it through the world. They wake up every morning ready to give of themselves their way. Everyone wants to give it,
What does it take?
In light of the horrendous tragedy that occurred recently in Saskatchewan with the Humboldt Bronco’s hockey team, I have been thinking about what it takes to bring people together.
Ruffling Feathers
I was in a meeting this week with an organization that I work with. In that meeting, we were discussing communication, culture, teamwork, and behaviours.
Birds of a Feather
What you put out into the universe, the universe returns in kind. As you do for others, others will do unto you. Birds of a feather flock together.