Who’s Mask Goes on First?

In the situation of an airline emergency, and if you were possibly paying attention to the pre-flight safety announcement, it is advised to put your own oxygen mask on first, before assisting anyone in your care. Which means take care of yourself first. If you aren’t in any shape to take care of those in your care, everyone loses, you included.

In the times that we are in, this message stays the same. I am not saying that we are suffering from a lack of oxygen, but we are living in a time where your mental health is just as important as the oxygen mask coming down with a decrease in cabin pressure. The decrease in your mood, spirit, energy, positive approach to situations will carry over to those around you. As a leader, whether it be in business, or in your own families, may I suggest that you put your mask on first. Find a way to be a positive force of those around you, lead them through the uncertainty and chaos, and give them some hope.

Just as in an airplane, you have no control of what is going on with the plane, what speed it is going, what direction it is flying, or the mechanical integrity of the plane itself, that is why we have pilots and ground crew. What you do have control over is your reaction to the situation. In times like these where there is great uncertainty and chaos how do YOU typically deal with the situation? Are you the one to dig deep and grab every aspect of information that you can get your hands on? Do you go to the worst-case scenario? Or do you pump the brakes and get completely lost in the uncertainty? Are you getting antsy because you are getting the feeling of being confined to your house? Something that I would like you to consider is to be aware of your response to the circumstances. I have yet to find an outcome where freaking out has made a situation better.

if you are one of those people to get caught up in all the information and noise…

Limit it, take what you need, leave the rest, the pilots are still on board.

If you go to the worst-case scenario…

Look at it as what can you do to make sure that it doesn’t happen, find solutions. We can find a closer runway, rather than “we are going down”. Look at what is going to stay the same, what are things that are constant that I can count on? I am at home, we are all healthy, we have food, and we get to read those books that were collecting dust. We still have fuel, the wings are intact, the guidance system still works, it may be a bumpy road, but we will be ok.

If you worry about going stir crazy being in the house all day…

What about getting outside and taking in some sunshine, go sit in the hot tub, pick up your guitar and learn a new song? With social distancing, you can still talk to your neighbour, and see if you can do something for them.

We all have our own ways of handling the problems that come our way. If we trust our instincts, we are way more equipped to handle them. Once we move into emotional reactions is where we run into trouble. Trusting your instincts and seeing your actions as a gift allows you to put your oxygen mask on first. Only then, can you help others around you. They will thank you. Talk to other people, gain idea’s and perspectives, and remain positive. Remember, we are better together.

No one to talk to?

Call me, I’ll put you under my wing, for just a little while, until you can get back flying on your own!

(306) 545-3700


Instincts in Interesting Times


A Venti cup of Kindness