Warren Barry with Special Guest Tara Proskiw
Tara Proskiw. Owner and CEO of Towne & Countree Cabinets in Edmonton Alberta. Hopping on the energy bus with Tara, I discovered that Tara stands behind the statement of “Let every moment in your kitchen be joyous”. What I received from my conversation with Tara, was so much deeper than that. I believe that it was more about let every moment in your life be joyous, and how can I help?
From her back story of being a court stenographer, and the adventures that it took her on, and from the lessons her parents her gave her, Tara gets to better the pond to Women Entrepreneur Groups, Rotary Clubs, and Jr. Achievement Groups, and well to be honest, to everyone that she comes in to contact with. Hop on the energy bus with Tara and I and have a listen.
Website: https://towneco.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tara-proskiw-2642b778/
E-mail: tara@towneco.com