Warren barry and special guest Sherry Boodram
Sherry is the CEO of CannDelta Inc. and has always been passionate about science and discovering the intricacies of life. She's taken that passion and channeled it into the cannabis industry, where she's making a significant impact. Through my conversation with Sherry, I had the opportunity to learn about the behind-the-scenes world of cannabis, the importance of regulations, and how they equip companies to run and operate successfully in this unique space. Sherry's journey is deeply influenced by the values of reliability, dependability, and determination, traits she learned from her parents. These qualities are evident in how she not only betters the pond in the cannabis industry but also supports and empowers women entrepreneurs. One of the most profound takeaways from our discussion was Sherry's belief that "where you are, is where you are meant to be." It was a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing our journeys and trusting in our paths.