Warren Barry and Special Guest, Edward Fitzgerald

International keynote speaker, film producer, and entrepreneur Edward Fitzgerald speaks to us about how his acquired brain injury, although extremely difficult, was really a gift, but it helped him trust his instincts. It was his doctor who told him that he had plateaued, that launched him forward. We also talk about his mission to transform 3 billion lives.

International keynote speaker, film producer, and entrepreneur Edward Fitzgerald talks to us about how his acquired brain injury, although extremely difficult, was really a gift, but it helped him trust his instincts. It was his doctor who told him that he had plateaued, that launched him forward.

Heather Murphy

Heather Murphy is a business consultant and designer, the owner of Authentically: Business & Life Solutions. In 2019, Heather Murphy partnered with Candyce Fiessel to support expanding our vision through her creativity in design, art, and neuroscience.


Warren Barry and Special Guest, Stu Starkey


Warren Barry and Special Guest, John Wellington